"Enough to still make small jumps"
Nick Walker is one of the IFBB Pro League's biggest Open talents. Walker discussed drugs with Guy Cisternino before disclosing his current preparations for the upcoming Arnold Classic, which will take place from March 2 to 5 in Columbus, Ohio.
On a recent episode of the Mutant and The Mouth podcast, talking to Guy Cisternino about the usage of PEDs, the 28-year-old bodybuilder said,
"You get to a point in your career where you don’t need that anymore. You built enough to where you know, 600, 700, whatever, that’s enough to still make small jumps versus doing this large amount that you just don’t need any more and then you ruin your physique, you know what I mean."Nick Walker discusses usage of steriods in bodybuilding
Nick Walker generally shows off his workouts and physique upgrades, but this time he joined the Mutant and The Mouth podcast to discuss steroid use. The Open class star also revealed what he utilized during the prep vs. off-season.
Walker stated that he does not want to utilize oral steroids during the off-season and maintains a 'moderate' dosage at all times when using gear. He mentioned a few prominent chemicals he utilized in previous preps and off-seasons.
"When you’re in prep, you got your Winstrol, Anavar — what would be the point of taking more orals in the off-season than giving your body a little bit of a break before you have to take all this other stuff."Walker said he has had high carb days and cheat meals since the 2022 Olympia, but his weight has remained stable.
Nick Walker shares physical updates with his coach, Matt Jansen, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in preparation for the Arnold Classic. Walker stated that the intensity of his current training plan does not allow for much cardio.
The 2021 Arnold Classic champion is anticipated to face a few athletes in the 2023 AC that he competed against last month in Las Vegas, Nevada. After their unexpected turnout at Olympia, Mamdouh 'Big Ramy' Elssbiay and William Bonac will seek retribution.
Meanwhile, Samson Dauda, who finished sixth in his Olympia debut, is another bulk monster who many anticipate could confront Walker on stage. While contemplating the approaching confrontation, Dauda exuded confidence. In addition to those already stated, Walker will face his teammate, reigning two-time 212 Olympia Shaun Clarida, in Ohio.
Nick 'The Mutant' Walker's prosperous career so far
Nick Walker began working out at a young age and spent most of his time at the gym. By 2020, he was considered an amateur bodybuilder.
He is also a member of the IFBB Pro Federation. He got his IFBB pro card after the NPC North American Show.
The Mutant led a great debut season in 2021, winning gold at the New York Pro and the Arnold Classic. As a Men's Open bodybuilder, his unusual arms and thick muscular bulk rapidly drew notice from the community. Walker finished fifth in his first Mr. Olympia competition.
Nick Walker missed most of the 2022 season working on his game before competing in his second Mr. Olympia. Despite a number of new challengers arriving at the event, including Andrew Jacked and Michal Krizo, Walker won bronze and the Olympia People's Champ Award during the tournament. Walker was only overtaken on the scorecards by two other men: Hadi Choopan, the winner, and Derek Lunsford.
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